Dave Aranda presser before Oklahoma State - Taye McWilliams still out (Transcript/Video Posted)

k lonnquist

Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2009

Here's the latest on those significant who didn't play against Iowa State. Will get the transcript up later this afternoon.

BaylorHC Dave Aranda said he expects OL Grant Miller to play Saturday against Oklahoma State. OL Khalil Keith and RB Taye Mcwilliams are out.

Opening Statement

It’s good to be back home. The coaches’ evaluation of the game I thought went really strong. We really worked on doing simple better and looking at things that we’ve got to be able to get to the point where we can play green and do all the things we talked about in the hardest, toughest most competitive numbers. I think there continues to be a push for that, and I think the ability to be patient and to be able to meet our players where they’re at. I think the struggle a lot of times is to be pulled with expectations and/or noise and view from the outside. The challenge is always to keep the focus inward and to really get kids to really believe and trust and to reveal what’s inside. I thought there was a lot of that on Saturday for us, and we’re going to have to take another step.
It’s always difficult when there’s expectation of hey this is what it’s supposed to be. But there’s so many layers to that, so many things that this is not connecting, this is wired to something else. We’ve got to reconnect and rebuild a trust, and we have to be able to have people come out and really perform in a way that they’re not trying to pretend anymore. I’m hopeful we’re on the right path.
In looking ahead, way excited to play Oklahoma State. I have a lot of respect for their coaches and their team, and I think the first thing that strikes you is just the speed and the violence they play with. On defense, they have a new coordinator (Derek Mason) but a lot of similarities in terms of what’s coming at you. A really strong four-man front, a lot of speed in the secondary, more single high (pass coverage), a lot of numbers in the box for us to deal with.
Offensively, the quarterback really stands out and is playing fast. Looks faster, playing confident. I think they have a running back by committee that’s been successful, and their O-line there’s some cohesion there with some guys returning. I think receiver-wise, I’m sure they’re anticipating getting guys back, so what a challenge it is. Special teams-wise, a lot of ability to be real explosive in the return game, so that for sure jumps off the tape at you.

(Do you expect your players to be amped up for OSU) I would like for it not to be, but then with us going through BYU, I would probably anticipate yes. They probably are. I see part of our job as coaches is to maybe bring it down a little bit to things we can control and things that are actionable, and things that kind of are in the benefit of the task at hand, and all that’s way hard to do. It gets louder, the outside gets more. I would like to be able to bring it really down to where we can start the week strong and kind of build the week with inside stuff and not outside stuff.

(Do you feel giddy about playing OSU again) I think they are a challenge because they are a strong team. I think they’re built inside out, they don’t crack under pressure. You have to beat them. I think their team speed really flashes on the tape. I think up to this point we’ve been probably looked at as the fastest team of whoever we’ve played. That’s probably not the case in this one. I think they’re kind of transitioning too into new guys and everything else, a road game for them and that. Their ability to play fast and violent is really what makes this a real competitive game.

(Forcing turnovers vs. Iowa State) So many more games are lost than they are won. It’s hard to get that point across because I think you almost have to be over 45 years of age to really kind of appreciate that. The more you are in your teens and all of that, and in your early 20s, it almost falls on deaf ears. You look at penalties, I think right now we’re like 100th, and they’re I think in the top 10 as far as not committing penalties. Then you look at takeaways or offensive ball security and the defense getting it out, so you look at ways to not lose the game first, to try to be as alive and authentic and playing green. The not losing piece is really kind of the trick. Don’t overreach. We’re definitely trying to hit that mark. I’m hopeful this last game kind of helps set the expectation for this year’s team.

(Picking off Sanders 7 times) I think it would have to go to what we’ve said in the past. Prior to playing Iowa State, it was Ebner had the return for a touchdown; JT had the pick to close out the game; Abram had the run that moved the pile at the end of the game. All those things, those guys did that. Now, there’s a couple of guys that kind of assisted in all of it. But, those guys did it, and those guys are gone. I think you have to start there. And I don’t say any of that to be ugly or be a flex of them, but I think it’s more of, ‘Hey, we’re all starting on even ground. This thing has to be earned. Here’s the stuff you can do today to earn it. And let’s stack some days. But, I think it has to be like that. If it’s not, I think the appreciation of what other guys have done can almost intoxicate you.

(On Richard Reese earning 15-20 carries per game, even when Taye comes back) I think his improvement says so much just about him and about his ability to learn and his ability to take coaching. He’s just way selfless. And then, I know Justin Johnson has done a great job, Juice has done a great job with him. And really just with that group, it’s kind of been a running back-by-committee and guys for certain spots. And in this last game, it had been enough of that to where this guy comes in, it’s normally pass; this guy comes in, it’s normally a run. And things were flipped around, which I thought was good So, I can kind of see that still becoming, just because of the guys and their roles and their successes are continuing to build. So, I think we kind of like it where it is. I credit Juice for a lot of it. I think he’s really proud everything he has into that group.

(8-0 when you score on that first possession, how big of an impact would that be to do it again on Saturday) I wouldn’t put it in those terms. I would like for them to hear, rather, that it would be, ‘Hey, this is what happens when you execute. And you could still have a successful record or you could still win if you didn’t execute the last series. That has nothing to do with the series that’s about to come up.’ I feel like with some of the youth of the team, there’s just the ability for all of them to do the hard things and kind of go down before you come up. And they can say that I’ve earned it. And there just comes a confidence with that, that really you can’t get any other way. And I think all the other ways that are kind of out there where you can kind of grab a false confidence or a false belief or anything like that, I just feel I really have to be on the alert for that, because we will try to grab them. And those things will vanish once a strong first quarter from an opponent will hit you.

(Having former players in the game intro videos and hype videos that go out on Friday. How important is it for you to have that bridge to the past?) I think it’s so important, that’s everything, that’s us. I talk to a couple guys a week and FaceTime them at the end of practice, former players. And you can see, they’ve got their Baylor gear on and they’re excited to talk and I am, too. For some of them, it’s as if they’ve never left. But, for a lot of them it’s like, ‘Here I am, you found me.’ So, to make that connection, because this is their place. There is no better view of what is capable with Baylor football than a former player and just his success in life and the family he has and the work that he’s done and how he’s treating other people. Man, I’ve seen that a million times over since ‘ve been here. Just way impressed. The more that our current players get to see that and see this is really who you become, that’s way cool.

(What have you seen in the development of Bryson Jackson) Confidence. I think he’s probably always been that guy, but he’s been just so humble and hasn’t believed it. I think he’s really found a niche as a third-down pass rusher and then on special teams. So, it kind of becomes where you’re trying to do other things, you’re fitting into maybe other positions or other roles, and it doesn’t work, and you’re struggling to process that. Why it doesn’t work. And then, that hurts your opportunities with some of these other specific roles. And that can kind of go on for a year or two. So, it takes the ability to kind of take a pause and really reassess kind of what we’ve got and see people with new eyes. The hardest work is for them to see themselves that way. And I believe that’s what happened there. It couldn’t happen to a better dude. Way strong leader. I’m always impressed when he speaks. He’s got better words than me. So, he is a great steward of all of us.

(If the team has a grasp on what they're doing and how much they'll have to adapt on Saturday)
Appreciate the question. I think it's going to be both. On offense, there's a fair amount of history with who they are and what they like to do. And then especially with us – what they like to do with us. There's been a constant … tight ends or three backs in the backfield. Is it one high, there's eight gaps in there. If we do match the gaps, taking shots on the outside, if we play with safeties that are back, and we have seven for their eight, then running the ball; I very much see them that way. And so, I think that's a consistent.

They're playing with a lot more tempo. Right now, I think they’re the second fastest team in the country, in terms of tempo. And so, we played a fast team in the bowl game, and you could argue these guys are faster. And so that is different. I think it's always been a part of what they've done, but not to this degree. And so, a big part of our prep is going to be get ready for all of that.

Then I think defensively, it's going to be – with a new coordinator, but a lot of similarities from last year. So that may be where there's probably a little bit more question of, ‘Was that to kind of ease your way into it and then use the bye [week] for whatever else? And so that's where I think the adjustments will come in.

(On limiting penalties @Iowa State) Yeah, so we're trying to come down from [being in] the mid hundreds. So, we're at I think 100 now, so we'll see if we can get that thing down some more.

(Khalil Keith, Grant Miller, Taye McWilliams’ availability)
I don’t believe we’ll have Khalil or Taye. I think there’s a good chance for Grant. So, we’re anticipating having Grant.

(Did you see the Texans game) Yes. Very cool. Yeah. So, I hit him up with congratulations. And he said Congratulations for me on the sideline with a bunch of laughing, smiling emojis. Awesome.

(How do you use the applied performance stuff … how important is that for your program)
Yeah. Appreciate that. I think what Eric brings and that technology is really just a science to what maybe … whether it's emotionally or anything … coaches with Jimmy kind of feel, or kind of guesstimate I guess, he brings a kind of numbers and a math to it. And I think it's something when the players can see it, they can probably see it clearer than maybe like a story or something more – I'm just confusing them.

And so, like two examples there would be over 20 miles per hour, just running full speed would be one. Yeah, and the other would be, we calculate if things are under three or less. And so, last week's practice week was the best week we've had in terms of – we had the least amount of guys walking on the field in any given – so far this year. And so, it felt like that was the best week of practice we had and then you come, and you look at the numbers, and it validates it, or it shows it and so it's pretty cool.

(Next week is College Football Mental Health Awareness Week … how important is it just to have those conversations with your players and get to know their resources?)
No Yeah. I appreciate that. Yeah, I think it's so important. I think it's getting to be where I think where I feel a lot of that stands is that people realize how important it is to talk about that. And to recognize and to appreciate the people that do but then at the same time, that's not me. I don't have problems to talk about or I don't have any issues, or I don't need to talk to anybody. So, I think that's where the struggle is. I feel it's good that there's a breakthrough that everyone recognizes that it's a way important piece, and you think about the person over the player. It's really kind of everything. But then I think the push through is still to get it to where that's me, that's you, that's everybody. And the ability to talk to someone and get stuff out, or to know that feeling a certain way, right? Or to feeling down or to feeling like you're not good enough or any of those things. That it's okay to talk about, I think is way strong and I think we're really – our people here are very much into that and I am too.

(How do you prepare mentally to maintain an early lead if you get it?)
Appreciate that. Yeah, I think it's human nature to want to relax and to want to maybe be externally validated, and to take a breather. I think especially when things – if you feel some tightness – and at some point in the game, when that game does open up, I think it's natural for everyone to (sighs, takes deep breathe). And if you just take a pause and step back and look at our conference, and look at all of it, there's not going to be a lot of games where that's going to be the case. Where you can kind of take that sigh of relief during the game. And so, I think that's just kind of a hard reality. But you have to train for that though. And so, if you're not living your life like that or you're not practicing or going about your process that way, in terms of continually saying yes to hard things, and saying no to the easy things, but then being expected to do it on Saturday, that generally doesn't work out too well.
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