Baylor QBs discuss starting job, growing together (TRANSCRIPTS - Shawn Bell, Shapen, Bohanon, Drones)

k lonnquist

Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2009
By Kevin Lonnquist

The race to become Baylor's starting QB for 2022 is on. The QBs along with QB coach Shawn Bell met with the media on Thursday.

Shawn Bell
(Difference from last year)
This time last year there was a lot of unknown. We’ve got a lot of quarterbacks, do we have any quarterbacks, what do they look like. I think we’re in a good position in my room, and it’s a testament to those guys hard work. I feel like the depth in that room is something with which we can keep winning football games and feel good about those guys and how hard they work and who they are.

(Having Brian Bell on staff) It’s exciting for him and it’s exciting for us. I know what he brings to the table as far as a person and a coach, as far as helping us Xs and Os-wise, but also what he’s going to bring to the table with his relationship with the players. He’s on the defensive side, so we don’t really cross paths that much. But I’m excited for him. It’s a really great opportunity for us, and he’s helping us get better.

(Development of QBs last year) I was proud of the success they had and the success we had. I was probably more proud of how they handled themselves. To have Blake sitting in the wings, waiting on his opportunity and being ready when he was called. When Gerry he gets hurt, he’s not sulking, he’s supporting Blake. It’s probably the neatest thing I’ve seen in my time of coaching, two guys who were selfless and giving everything to the team. It didn’t matter who was back there under center, they’re supporting each other. It’s really neat to be a part of it, and I’m really proud of their hard work and the success they had.

(Competition between QBs) I think we’re competing everywhere. That’s the name of the game, every position every year we’re going to put the best 11 on the field on offense and defense. I think Gerry understands that, Blake understands that, Kyron and CJ understand that. It’s the nature of the beast. Football is about competing every single day. Those guys welcome that, they encourage that, and I think they want that. They don’t want anything handed to them. They know that competition is going to breed success, and they’re going to keep building from that competition. Gerry makes Blake better and Blake makes Gerry better, and Kyron makes all of them better and so does CJ.

(Is Blake all the way back from shoulder injury) Blake’s 100 percent back. It was kind of a quiet time knowing what happened in bowl season. But he’s 100 percent back and was full go in the offseason. No restrictions at all.

(What does Gerry need to do to get better) That’s what we talk about every single day. We try to get better that day. Gerry’s focus right now is being better he’ll tell you progessionally. What that means is being able to work through reads and balancing his lower half and being consistent when the first read’s not there. So that’s what we’ve been working on. I think he’s always continued to be a better leader. That’s who Gerry is, he wants to be better in all aspects. Each one of them we talked about what they have to do to get better. That’s been a point of emphasis right now.

(How cane Blake get better) I think Blake as a passer has a lot of natural ability as far as consistency. One of the big things I think Blake has improved on and worked on is his leadership. He went through an eight-week leadership training with a lot of other guys, and I think he’s learning and growing. It’s hard being a young guy that’s kind of thrust into that role, and he’s really focused on it. That’s one of his goals is to continue to improve as a leader. It’s not as much physical all the time, especially at the quarterback position, it’s more mental than anything else. I think leadership is probably his point of interest. Gerry and Blake both, these are things they said they need to work on.

(Any other intangibles you want to see from QBs) I think as we take the next step as a football team, there were times last year the offense may have played better, and later in the year I felt like our defense was really playing good football and carrying us. You look at the Sugar Bowl, I think we as an offense know we have to take that next step. We lost some guys on defense. The quarterback room specifically, our goal is to be way more consistent, be way more involved. You lose a couple playmakers, so our game has to step up. We’ve got to be better in that room, and we understand that and embrace that challenge.

(O-linemen back) I think that’s huge. Connor Galvin, Khalil Keith and guys who have been here a long time along with Jacob (Gall) and Grant (Miller) and some of the young guys. There’s a lot of talent in that room. Coach Mateos and Coach Grimes do a tremendous job developing those guys. To have all of them back and to keep building, I think it all starts there. You look at our offense and who we want to be and how we want to look, those guys give us that opportunity to be who we want to be.

(QBs having o-line back) They definitely see the work and the benefit of a veteran o-line. It takes time to develop that. To have veterans on the o-line, that’s where you win football games. Just as much as who we have on the d-line, that’s exciting. The two lines should be one of the strengths of our football team, and we’re excited about that.

Blake Shapen
(Are you all the way back from shoulder injury)
Yeah I feel great. I’ve been rehabbing it the last three or four months. I’ve been in the training room every single day, so I feel great.

(Starting Big 12 championship game) It was awesome. Just being able to see how hard work really shows on the field, and all the stuff behind the scenes really shows in your play when you’re really doing the right things behind the scenes. It was fun to reap the benefits of that. It was a good time.

(Experience last season) First I got to know that all that stuff’s in the past. It’s all behind us. Everybody’s going to remember that we did win it, but no one’s thinking about that right now. I’ve got to think about what’s right in front of me which is spring ball and competing and giving myself, my best self, to the team every single day.

(Competiton for QB) It’s just normal, just like regular competition. We all have a great relationship, so that’s good. Gerry’s very smart mentally and he’s a great quarterback on the field. We watched a lot of film last year and I spent a lot of time with him and we became good friends even throughout this competition. We support each other no matter what happens. We’re great friends.

(What are you working on specifically) Keep working mentally, you can never learn too much mentally. Obviously throwing the football. Today probably wasn’t the best day throwing the football down the field, so that’s the next thing I’ve got to work on.

(Leadership class in fall) I learned a lot about different ways to lead and leading in your own way. I learned a ton by going through that institute and hopefully I can carry that on the field. I think it (leadership) does come naturally. It comes naturally in a different way. Everybody leads in different ways. I’m probably not more of a vocal leader, I’m more of a leader by example. So when something needs to be said I can say it.

(Shoulder injury) It was tough. I think I hurt [throwing shoulder] in the first drive of the third quarter [against Oklahoma State], right when we came out. It was pretty tough to play through it, but I’m glad I was able to stay out there and play through it.

(Energy this year compared to last year) It’s crazy. I think we have more energy this year. Coming off a great season like we had last year, like I said earlier, everything’s kind of put in the past and you can’t really think about that any more. But I think having the success we had last year makes us want to have even more success this year. Guys are working even harder during the offseason and the spring.

(How different is competition since you and Gerry have experience now) I guess obviously I got some snaps under my belt, so that helps. Gerry obviously had most of the season, so that helps for him too. Like I said, we started from ground zero and we’ll see what happens from here.

Gerry Bohanon
(Big difference this year, coming in with a lot of experience now)
Yeah, I’d say that’s a big difference. Still a lot of things to work on, still a lot of areas to improve on. But, the best thing about it is I did get some experience last year, so excited about that, excited to get better and work with this new group of guys and some of the same guys. But, it’s all exciting.

(What kind of things are you working on) For me, just progression reads. My lower half. Being consistent with my lower half is going to help with my accuracy and everything. Working on my deep balls, working on my leadership. A lot of things, there’s a lot to work on right now.

(Does leadership come natural, or something you’ve had to hone) Honestly, I think it comes natural. I just think there’s a lot of areas that I could grow in, you know what I’m saying? Just getting to know everybody, spend time with everybody on the team. Sometimes, you can kind of get close with a group of guys and just hang around those guys. But, it’s better to be close with everybody, where we can lead and be a good unit on the field out there.

(Like having the competition with Blake and Kyron) Oh, it’s great. I think it brings the best out of all of us. I think it’s all good just to compete. It makes all of us play better. We all enjoy it, honestly. I think we have fun with it because we all have the talent. Just going out there and battling, I think it makes all of us better. We’re all going to be better quarterbacks at the end of it.

(Advice to younger guys about getting up early and getting in the film room) Most definitely. I think the more time you spend in that film room, the slower it becomes on the field. Just to those younger guys, I would tell them, get up there and study football. These coaches have been coaching 10-plus years, 20 years, 30 years, they’re still in there grinding the same way, learning new things every time they watch film. So, I feel the more you watch, the more you’ll learn, the better you’ll be on the field. So, I would say, just watch and learn as much football as you can.

(How frustrating was that hamstring injury) Oh, it was frustrating. I’m going to say it was very frustrating just to have something like that happen at the time that it did. But, I think everything happens for a reason. So, pretty sure there’s a reason behind it. But it is what it is at this point. It’s in the past, I can’t do anything about it. Hate that it happened, but we still won a championship, still finished great. So, I can’t complain.

(Different confidence level going into this spring) Honestly, no sir. I think I’m a confident guy. I know I prepare well, I know I work hard. If you prepare, you should never lose confidence in yourself. You know what you do, you know the abilities you have, you know what God gave you the abilities to do. So, if you just trust in God, he’ll make it all happen for you.

(Biggest takeaway from being a starter last season that maybe you didn’t realize) It’s a grind. Honestly, just going week-in, week-out, just grinding. I would say that’s the biggest thing. And then playing, practicing all week, that’s just wear and tear on your body. So, just take care of your body and kind of keeping everybody up and preparing for every opponent. You can’t look past any opponent, because things can happen at any time. And any game can go any way. So, I would just say, making sure you’re taking it one day at a time, one game at a time. That’s the biggest thing for me.

(Learn about yourself through last year and having to take a back seat when you got hurt) I learned a few things. I learned that with the person I am, like I talked about my leadership, I really didn’t have to be out there to lead. That was the No. 1 thing, I could lead in a way from the sidelines, still kept the energy, still gave the good vibes and the energy to keep everybody up. It was kind of weird, honestly, just putting me back in the perspective of when I wasn’t playing, I was backing up Charlie, just learning and observing and helping as much as I could on the sidelines. I felt like a coach on the sidelines, just giving all the knowledge that I’m seeing, everything that’s happening in the game, all the different changes and different things going on with the defense, just giving it to Blake and giving it to Kyron and making sure that they’re prepared and everything. It was a lot. There was just a lot that I learned about myself. And I just learned a lot.

(Having all the O-linemen back this year) I was very excited about that, just to get another year with those guys, in this system again. That’s a big plus. You can go to any team, and once you have a veteran O-line, it’s a big thing. Because that’s where it starts. That’s what we needed. I’m glad that they came back, and I’m excited to work with them this year.

(About all the movement with the NFL quarterbacks) I really don’t think about my future like that. I’m the kind of guy that I want to go day to day. Because I turn on the film, I see things I could improve on, things that I could have done better in this practice. So, I can’t think about something ahead, I need to think about what I can control that I did yesterday and how I can improve the next day. So, I’m just kind of a guy that lives that way. I don’t like to look ahead at all, because you never know what can happen. You don’t. So, try to just control what I can control and be where my feet are, basically.

(Different attitude going into this camp after winning the Big 12, winning the Sugar Bowl) I would say the difference is that we know what that feels like. But, that doesn’t matter anymore. It’s all in the past. New year, new thing. We’ve just got to keep grinding. We can’t think about that anymore. Nobody’s looking at that. It’s on the Indoor and everything like that. but we’ve got a target on us now. It’s like, we’ve got something to prove against Baylor, so we can’t worry about that. Focus on ourselves and try to get better, that way we perform well.

Kyron Drones
(Got two veterans ahead of you now, how’s it going)
Yeah, it’s really good, just learning from GB (Bohanon) and Blake. Me and GB are like super close, so I’ll be at his house learning from him. I’m fixing to go watch film with him after this. Just learning from him and Blake and Coach Bell. Just learning from all three of them is good for me.

(One of the biggest things you got from Gerry and maybe Coach Bell as well, to get in the film room and study) Yeah, it is a big thing, because out of high school we didn’t really watch film. Just watching different stuff defenses could do, I never watched that until I got here.

And then when I got here, Gerry just took me under his wing and let me learn under him, and then he taught me some of his stuff and how he watched film. And ever since then, that’s what I’ve been doing.

(Where do you feel like you’ve grown the most since last year) This time last year, I was mainly quiet. So, I’ve grown the most in being more vocal. That’s what I’m still working on, because I don’t feel like I’m there vocally, but I’m trying to be there. And then, just being consistent with mechanics. And then, like I said, watching film, because I’ve never done that before. So, all three of those things, I feel like I’ve got better at.

(With two guys that got to play as much as they did last year, feel like you’re climbing uphill) I feel like I’m climbing up there just to be up there with them and see what I can do and see what I can compare with them and just see what I can do.

(Feel like you’re in the competition) Oh yes, I feel like I am. I don’t feel excluded from the competition.

(What do you bring to the QB room) I feel like I bring athleticism. Dual threat, like running and passing. I feel I can bring deep shots, and just all-around quarterback movement from all around.

(Anything mechanically working on) Mechanically, I’m working on my elbow and then flexing my knee, because sometimes when I throw like quick passes, my knee gets like straight. So, me and Coach Bell are mainly working on that.

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