Baylor NCAA Tournament Transcript/VIDEO: Drew, Mason, Gillespie, McClure

k lonnquist

Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2009
Head Coach Scott Drew

Opening statement …

“Any time you’re playing this time of year, you’re excited, No. 1. No. 2, whenever you play a team with a Hall of Fame coach and a national brand, you don’t have to worry about exciting your guys or tell them how good they are. It makes it really easy, now you can just focus on the X’s and O’s part of things.

(since they run the zone) Well, we probably don’t have the element of surprise for them not practicing against a zone or playing much against it. But, when we played them in the Maui Invitational championship a few years ago, we’ll probably look at that some of that film and try to analyze things. But, I now in basketball, I know everybody’s always trying to get the ball inside, and then from there kick out or make plays. Both of us definitely won’t have that element of surprise with facing a zone or anything like that, or what the other team will try to do.

(getting in with this team) As a coach, you always think you can win every game and you have a game plan to win every game. But anytime you’re picked ninth, and then when conference began, most people when they re-picked, we were 10th. And with only three lettermen returning, fewest in a Power 5 conference, I know I’ve said that numerous times. But to end as a 4 seed (in the Big 12 Tournament), and even in the Big 12 Tournament, we asked everybody after the game, who’s played in the Big 12 Tournament before, and there were only two hands that went up. And normally, you want to have more experience and normally you have to have more experience to be successful. The great thing for us is the Big 12 Tournament will really help to prepare us for the NCAA tournament because it’s run the exact same way. I think our guys can know what’s coming and be much more prepared for it.

(with all the injuries and adversity you went through, to see your name come up there) It means they really maximized the ability as far as playing for one another together and really bought into serving one another and caring more about the team than themselves. Individually, talent-wise, people had us picked 9th or 10th for a reason, I really think the guys competed hard. As a whole, one thing we usually did is compete. As a coach, you always can hang your hat and go to bed at night knowing that as long as a guy’s played hard, that’s half the battle. Seeing their excitement and joy of being able to know they’re playing in March, that’s what all that hard work is for. Now they have the chance to be a part of the best spectacle in sports.

On missing the NCAA Tournament last year …
Last year, being one of the first four out wasn’t very much fun. And even though you think you’re in it, until your name actually goes up. . . . I remember the first year we ever got in it, we were the last team selected, and we had that big pairing party in the Ferrell Center. You get down to the last three or four picks, you’re looking around like, ‘What am I going to tell these people? We might not get in.’ And then the excitement on getting in. And today, being in the last bracket, you’re like, ‘They didn’t forget about us, right?’ it’s great that you know where you’re going, who you’re playing, and most off all the excitement on the guys’ faces and to know that all their hard work was worth it to achieve a goal like this. Our fans have been outstanding all year long, win or lose, I think they’ve really appreciated the guys’ efforts. As a coach I really appreciate that, because that’s hard to do, play hard all the time. If every team did it, there would be a lot more successful teams.

On overcoming injuries throughout the year …
(on Makai wearing a boot today) Oh yeah, that’s his second shoe. He wears the boot more than he wears his shoe. He puts his shoe on for the games. Otherwise, it’s the boot. It’s a Nike boot, by the way, so we’re good. The good thing for us is going into this tournament we know he’s playing. And that really helps us with preparation, from the standpoint that it’s hard going into a game. It’s kind of like not knowing if the quarterback is going to play or not. And you’re coming up with two game plans. The fact that we know what we have going into it makes this a lot easier for us as a coaching staff and team to know what kind of roles you’re looking at and substitutions, because that’s one of the toughest things is one game you start and play 30 (minutes) and the next game you don’t play at all. That’s not easy.

(is he playing because he’s healed or . . . ) Because he’s playing. For him to get healed, it’s something that would probably take 4-6 weeks. We don’t have that until the end of the season. The good thing is, all along [Makai] knew once we got to this point in the season, he was all in.

On the four-game losing streak …
“You look at it, part of it is the schedule. You played at K-State, you played at Kansas. Lost Senior Night here, and that one you should have won, just looking at things. But, that’s the Big 12, you don’t win every time. And then Iowa State, I think all year long we all knew that that was one team when they were hot, they’re just really good. And unfortunately, they were hot for three games. So, I don’t necessarily think we’ve been playing terrible. I think in each game, there’s been areas where we didn’t do enough to win, but there’s no sense of ‘man, we’re struggling or we’re falling apart.’ I think there’s more urgency because none of us want to be one game and none of us want to end the season on a losing streak. But, I don’t think there’s a panic or anything like that. X’s and O’s wise, we’ve got to defend better. After our six-game winning streak, I think we’ve tapered off defensively. That’s an area we’ve got to shore up. The next thing is when that’s shored up, it will allow us to get in transition more, which will allow our offense to be better. Because in the half court, by the time you’ve played everybody twice, everybody knows what you’re going to do and those easy buckets are important. That’s why the tournament is always a breath of fresh air, because now you’re not coming down the court where they’re calling out your plays for you.”

(after the six-game win streak and then getting your 10th conference win, was there any sort of taking a deep breath, lost an edge) I think some of that is factored into Makai being able to play, not play. If we needed more work to do, he probably would have played more. That allowed his foot to at least keep from getting worse. I’m sure that did come into play, some of it, especially when you’re competing to win a championship and once you can’t win a conference championship, or your seed is established, of course naturally you lose some motivation.

(with only two guys with NCAA Tournament experience, what are you telling the other guys) Well, the great thing is the Big 12 Tournament is like the NCAA Tournament. So that will really help. Other than that, we can’t ask for much more experience. So in my opinon, everyone has experienced it, we’re good.

(at what point, will you tell Makai, hey what you did against us . . . ) Well, the great thing is, i won’t have to, because Makai, the bigger the game the better he plays. And I know he’ll be more than excited to play and it will be great to have him.

I’ll let you in on a little secret. After we lost to Yale, John Underwood, who was in charge of the Big 12, he gave me in the summertime a Yale golf ball he found on the golf course. And he said, ‘You just keep this to remember.’ And I’ve been saving it all year for the NCAA Tournament to give back to Makai. So anyway, I’m going to give him a present tomorrow when I see him and hopefully we can have some great memories together.

On King McClure getting back to full strength …
“King’s been back, but I think everyone realizes he hasn’t been back like he was in those six games when he was moving really well and playing with confidence and in rhythm. Each game, each practice, each day since he’s been back, gives him a better chance to get back to where he was at. And that injury, it’s an injury where you’re back but are you really back physically and mentally? It just takes a little time.

(does the NCAA Tournament change who you are) I think the more you do something, the more you get a rhythm and a routine. Each year you have different routines and different adjustments, so I think we’ll stay true to what we’ve done that has worked with this team. And then, you take that with your opponent.”

On Jared Butler …
“I think with freshmen in general, why they’re freshmen is consistency. They’ll have great moments and then they’ll be freshmen. Especially with Makai missing games, Jared has had to step up and take on a bigger role and because of that, I think it’s put him in a much better position to be successful. Coming from a program that played elite talent and is used to winning and used to being coached, it’s made it easier for his adjustment.

(reflecting on where the program has come since you got here, making your eighth NCAA Tournament appearance in the last 12 years)

Each and every year is different. There’s always ups and downs, just like parenting. No matter if they’re age 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, there’s different challenges each and every day and each and every year. At the end of the season, hopefully you have this feeling of you’re going to postseason. And now, you don’t want it to end and you want to play and advance and do something really memorable. But, I think each time you get rewarded with an NCAA tournament berth, the first time you get in you’re just overly enthused and excited to be there. After that, each and every year you want to advance and win and stay in it because you realize how fun it is.”

(on the Salt Lake City connections) I’m sure the Lindsey family will have more than a couple phone calls from Baylor people making the trek up there. And then Royce has already Facetimed the staff and I’m sure him and Ekpe are really excited.


King McClure

(Making NCAA) It’s a moment you dream of as a kid. It feels good to be back after last year. Disappointment at the end but it feels great to be back and we’re ready.

(Playing Syracuse) They’re a great team, a great school. Coach Boeheim is a great coach and they have a lot of history in their program, but at the end of the day, it’s just basketball. They put their shoes on just like we do.

Last year motivated us a lot. For the guys that were here, that feeling that we felt, the same day, watching the selection show and not seeing our name called made us not want to ever experience that again.

I think the leaders like myself, Mark and Tristan even though he didn’t play and Jake really didn’t play, they did a great job of getting the younger guys and new guys acclimated and telling them the feeling we felt last year at this time was a feeling you never want to experience. This is what we have to do in order to keep that from happening. Credit to them they stuck with it and made sure it didn’t happen again, so I’m proud of them.”

(Team picked ninth) I never doubted us. I figured we would get there. After we lost to Texas Southern and SFA a lot of people doubted us. But I never doubted us. I said we’ve got to make a run and this is what we’re going to do. So I had faith in my teammates and I believe in them.

(Did you feel the same after Tristan went down) One thing about this team is we have a lot of guys who step up and like the big moments like Jared Butler, Devonte Bandoo, guys like that who come to play every game. Seeing that they’re capable of and what they can do, they can really aspire and are just really motivated, and it makes me believe in them even more. And Freddie Gillespie too. Just seeing people like that come to work every day and work so hard, they’re ready when their name is called. When Tristan went down, they stepped up and I believe in them and that’s why I have faith in them.

(Breaking 4-game losing streak) We’ve lost four games in a row but we know things we can change and things we can do better in order to not lose a fifth. I feel like we can make a run and I have confidence in my teammates.

(What do tell teammates) Just stay in the moment. It’s really a one-game season at this point. You lose you go home. Stay in the moment, stay locked in. Don’t get too far ahead, don’t think about the outcome. Just win every possession and stay in the moment, that’s what I’d tell them.

On Jared Butler …
“Jared Butler is a gamer. He steps on the court and gets buckets. He’s really talented. I didn’t know he was going to be that good, but he’s like a little brother. One thing about him is he listens. He doesn’t think he’s too good to ask for advice or come to me if he needs something. The door is always open. A lot of guys if they get a little bit of success they don’t really want to listen to people. They think ‘Why am I listening to you, I think I’m just as good as you.’ But he’s not one of those people. He’s always open to advice, and coming to me for little things like What should I do right here? How can I get better at this? I always tell him, always talk to him. He’s matured a lot. His decision making, his shot taking. We all know he can get buckets, he’s really talented. He’s matured a lot in decision making and shot taking. I’m excited to see where this journey is going to take him.”

Freddie Gillespie

On being selected for the NCAA Tournament …
“It’s huge. I remember my last year of Division III we didn’t make the Division III NCAA tournament, and I was so upset, near tears. My mom was like if this opportunity plays out, you might get to an even bigger NCAA tournament than Division III. Just to see it all come together after last year, seeing how that season worked out and being able to put in the work in the summertime and all the extra workouts and film you see pay off is amazing.

(Journey from D-III) It’s something I’ve dreamed about, something I’ve imagined. Living it out now, it’s just something I really thank God for. I just try focus on that because I remember praying to get to a moment like this. That’s how I bring myself back down to earth to add more reality to it.

On the Big 12 Championship game vs. Iowa State …
“If I had to point out one primary thing that held us back, it was definitely the defensive part. I think they just happened to click that day, and when teams are clicking, you’ve got to play harder and really grind out defense. We just didn’t quite have that edge we usually have. It’s something that’s been addressed, we all recognize it, so it’s something we’re going to improve on.”

Makai Mason

On earning an NCAA Tournament bid …
It’s really special. Obviously I haven’t been back in a few years with all the injuries and everything Just to be back on this stage is going to be really fun, especially with this team. We’ve been doubted from the beginning, so just to put it together through that, it’ll be even more special to be there again.

(playing Syracuse zone) Yeah I think we’ll be ready for it. Obviously our coaching staff is going to do a great job of breaking down the film. They’re obviously known for that and if we move the ball well I think we’ll get some pretty good looks.

(Team battling through injuries) It’s a pretty amazing feeling to have it all culminate to the moment that we just had, and seeing our name go up there. This team has been doubted all year with the injuries and everything. It really shows the true character of this team, to fight every game throughout the season and continuing to get better and be where we are right now.

Advice he wishes he would’ve received heading into his first NCAA tournament …
“Every possession matters so much, especially at this time of year. It all adds up in the end, it’s not the last shot that’s going to make the difference, it’s every little play that builds up to it. Not letting the media attention get the best of you. Once you step into the arena, there’s media following you wherever you go. So just to handle that well and be ready for that.”

When it’s one and done, is it a different type of pressure? …
“It can be for different players. You have to stay locked in the moment. If you think about a lot of stuff that pressure can build. If you stay locked in and know that you’re going to have to have great teamwork to get the end result that you want, that’s what you’ve got to stay focused on.”

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