Albany Post Game Interviews 9/3/2022 (Aranda, Bryson Jackson, and Blake Shapen) Video/Transcripts


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2013

Opening Statement
I look back at January with that first team meeting and guys sitting in the front row of our little auditorium there, and I could see it on their faces. And it was unnatural for them to sit there because that's where Terrel Bernard sat, or that's where Jalen Pitre sat and now they're sitting in there. To move from that space right there to winter, and you're breaking everybody down and early morning workouts and, you know, you're giving guys assignments in terms of leadership and maybe getting out of their comfort zone and putting themselves out there and all that, to spring football to where, you know, they're the guys that are saying something ... if the feeling of the team isn't right or the energy isn't right, to summer, to fall camp and to come out and attack this game the way we did, I just think there's so many, there's so many possible offramps to not play at your best when, you know, you have a score like this and start the game and to end the game the way we did. Very proud of our team, very proud of our coaches and speaks well to just, you know, the inner workings of all of it.

To my knowledge, haven't had any injuries, so we're blessed with that. I thought, you know, for us to come out throwing the ball was something that we worked on a lot in fall camp. And then for us to get the running game going in the second half was really good to see. And it was a halftime goal. And then defensively, I just thought time after time they were able to make stops and we were able to tackle well. I think we were really concerned with that being the first game, and tackling efficiently, and I thought they did.

(Mainly passing in 1st half, was it intentional to run in 2nd half)
Yeah, I think it was. You know, I think early on we were getting some nine-man fronts and those safeties were way down eight yards, sometimes tighter than that. And then I think we're running into some dirty looks and, you know, we had some negative, negative plays running the ball. And so we took advantage of that, so the shot plays that came off of it, and I think that eventually loosed it up, and the score probably had something to do with that too in the second half, but it was good to get the running game going.

(Assess Blake’s play in 1st game as the guy)
Yeah, I think Blake is ... one of the things that I appreciate about Blake is that he's very understated, and not a lot of drama with him. Probably the most the most you know, the most drama is what's on his head with his mohawk and all that. Outside of that, you know, there's not a whole lot happening, which is very just Joe Cool with all of it. And so, you know, in terms of his studying ... the guys that have been up to us to this spot just talk about how there's there's writing's on the wall and there's paper all over the place, kind of a beautiful mind thing. And I think he does all of that without really making a thing of any of it. And, you know, that translates into practice, and that practice translates in the game. I just love the way it goes about it. You know, there's some situations in the game where he had to sit in and take, you know, hits that were kind of right there and he got up each time and did it again and the whole team saw that. And so I think, you know, there was Blake Shapen before the game, and now there was Blake Shapen after the game. I that will only continue to grow.

(How good can you guys be in the return game) I hope that’s a weapon for us. We talk about hidden yardage and we talk about trying to attack on that phase of the game. I think when we look at the tape, I think there’s going to be a lot of yards being gained by athleticism and quick decisions and instincts and all of it. I think for us to get towards a consistent kind of a week-in, week-out weapon for us, we’re going to have to tighten some things up. And I think for the first week, I think there’s a lot to be excited about. But, I think there’s a lot of work to be done. And I think everyone on that unit would agree with that. But, our mindset is to have that be a weapon for us, for sure.

(Were any questions that you had answered tonight) Yeah, I think we wanted to see guys make competitive catches, and they did. We wanted our skill people to block on the perimeter, and they did. We wanted to see our young people, after they make a mistake, to attack the next play. Really want to see our coaches after our young people make a mistake, help them out the very next play, as opposed to whatever else. And I think, you saw defensively the push that we could get in the quick throw game and the edges that we can set, with the length on defense. So, I think those things were shown today.

(Keeping the focus in the 4th quarter, scoring more points than Albany had yards) We try to practice that way. At our practices, there are guys that are doing all the yelling and the screaming, there are some fairly shrill screams that are happening on the sidelines behind all of us. So, that’s been kind of commonplace. And just the energy that kind of comes out, I think it’ just kind of how we go about what we do now. But, I think there was probably another level tonight. I think that has so much to do with it. Because we’re going to go on the road this next week and we’ve got a bunch of road games coming up. Obviously, we love playing at home, and you can catch some energy here. There’s not going to be a lot of positive energy for us to catch on some of these road games, we’re going to have to create it. So, practicing without music and us just creating it, I think is training for the places that we have to go.

(Figuring out your growth process, but also making sure you’re getting ready for BYU) I think you get to know your players and your coaches, and see what they’re capable of. And you can be compassionate about it, but be real about where they’re at. And then kind of lean and nudge to get to where they need to be, no matter what. No matter the wins or losses, no matter what is on your phone or any of that. And what’s hard about that is sometimes the guy, whoever the guy is, he doesn’t see that about himself. But, you do, so you have to be creative and find ways to open that up so they can. If that’s the process, then all the other stuff doesn’t really matter. It’s just kind of noise on the outside.

(On Gavin Holmes)
So cool. Yeah, so cool. I you know, I have, so I go through one on one meetings. I mean, I've got two more guys I couldn't get it done prior to the start of the first game. But, you know, when I did Gavin and it's just like such a, that story is just so crazy.

I would hope that my son and my daughters kind of have the heart that he has, and just the awareness and the, you know, compassion that he has. It's just a way impressive. And so you root hard for guys like that, right. And for him to have an opportunity, man, that's so cool. It could not happen to a better dude.

Bryson Jackson
(Big Start)
– The focus was creating all the energy. This week has been testimony to that. We approached everything with great energy at practice even when things get hard. Just the guys creating the energy and taking it serious…the preparation to this game is beautiful. I’m proud of each one of them in the locker room because they deserve it on how they handled it.

(QB Pressure adjustments) – We have to make adjustments. I think it’s just a compliment to our defensive line and how unstoppable they are on the run. The quarterback, he didn’t have time to throw so he had to get out and escape. We assumed he was going to do that throughout the week. He made his decision pretty fast. And our adjustment at halftime went toward that and I thought we contained him pretty well toward the second half.

(Creating the turnover) – Just dropping off, dropping in coverage, looking for my player. Me and Al Walcott, we practice vice tackling every day. So (Al) did his job containing leverage on the runner so I just came in and was trying to be aggressive and get the ball out. It’s pretty cool this (camp) we began something called Jokers and Robbers. It’s something that (LB coach Caleb Collins) has started. It’s for our defense, turnovers, interceptions, hits, strips, fumbles…just rewarding guys throughout the week. Just taking it serious and practicing that all week.

(Wearing No. 7) I really wanted to represent our team. I knew what the significance meant for us. As as leader in this program, I wanted to use this number as representation as strength and hard work. Being on special teams and doing that consistently every time is a part of my role. I just want to show the effort and the integrity on my role for defense as well. Being able to represent our team with this number means a lot. The hard work is going to be what pays off for us.

(Blake Shapen) Blake’s been working his tail off, especially throughout fall camp and spring ball. In fall camp, he took it to another level and I think tonight showed that. The confidence he had with his receivers. The work that he put in after practice and before practice with those guys showed up today. We got to see a lot of incredible passes. That’s just a surface level of what he can do. And we’re going to see a lot in the next few weeks.

Blake Shapen
(Came out hot)
I felt good all night. A huge testament to the receivers and all the guys around me, the O-line and everyone who made that possible. To be able to start fast the way we did and eliminate the little mistakes like penalties early on helped us.

(TD run at end of first half) I knew it was a two-minute situation. We drove down the field, and I knew it was our last play, so I had to either throw it into the end zone or me take off and run. They did well on the back end, so I took off and ran.

(Possibilities of passing game) I think tonight was just a glimpse of what you’ll see in the future. I think it was good for some of our guys and especially me to touch the ground again and be able to play, and take some shots down the field you’ll definitely see in the future and the intermediate game and stuff like that too. Just all the above, so we just have to keep working and get better at it.

(TD pass to Presley) It was just a play-action pass in the wide zone, and the safeties came down real low, and I just threw it over the top.

(More formations this year) I think wide zone is definitely the biggest part of our offense. I think the play-action game only comes if we’re doing the things we need to do with wide zone. That opened up everything downfield. I wouldn’t expect anything crazy, but we’re just going to come out and execute and do the things we’re told to do.

(How did offseason help) Just being able to know I’m going to be the guy, the one playing, has helped a lot. Being able to get on the same page with the wide receivers and being able to spend more time with those guys. I spent time with them and I knew everyone very well, but being able to get to know everyone at a deeper level and understanding who everybody really is as a person has helped me out a lot. It goes beyond football, so that’s the main thing we did in the offseason was to sit down with people you might not have been able to sit down with before and get to know them in different ways. I think that has helped us grow and become more of a team and a unit, and just developing the chemistry in the offseason and understanding these are the guys that are probably going to be playing and getting on the same page with them.

(Linebacker taking shot) I had no idea. I handed it off and turned around and he smoked me. I didn’t know what was going on. He pleaded that I had the ball in my hands.

(What needs improvement offensively) Everything, really. I felt we played a good game tonight, but I feel there’s a lot of things we can still improve on. Maybe get lined up faster, maybe get the ball out of my hands quicker and not taking a couple of sacks I took today. I think those are things I need to work on, and just everyone keep coming together collectively. We have a special team, and the only thing that can hurt us is if we drift apart. Coming together can take us a long way.

(What coaches told you when you didn’t slide) It was a sly comment by Coach Bell. He said to probably get down next time.

(Wide receivers) I think everyone has their own spice or whatever you call it. I wouldn’t compare any of these guys to the guys we had last year because everyone’s different. We have guys with speed who can move and get down the field and stuff. I think they did a great job tonight and I’m so proud of them.

Go Big.
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